The Great Escape, starring M250!

Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

My results for M250 Object-oriented Java Programming and TT284 Web Technologies came out earlier than I thought in M250 Exam Disaster. Perhaps, the Open University were eager to tell me the good news.

After the exam debacle, I am not sure how, but I passed the exam. I scored lower than in my coursework but that is usually the case with exams. Indeed, I expected to after THAT exam. Yes, I did not do as well as in TT284. All in all, I will take that result and march proudly on to my final Stage 2 modules.

Not everybody felt as philosophical as I did when the results came out. Many students were up in arms. Some for missing out on a distinction by one mark due to a much lower exam score. Others were told their result was ‘pending’. Presumably due to having submitted an extenuating circumstances form after the Module Team extended the deadline. 

The Open University must resolve these issues soon. It should not sour the attitudes of those students most affected towards the Open University. 

I only have one more module that I am planning to study on the degree that I know has an exam. TM256 Cyber Security is currently in its first presentation, with the exam coming up in mid-September. Maybe by next year, when I take it, the Open University will have ironed out any kinks. 

I am sure they will have learned lessons from the M250 exam.

Still, onwards, and upwards!

M269 Algorithms, Data Structures and Computability, which I start in October, is rumoured to be the hardest Stage 2 Computing and IT module. So, I am preparing for it by refreshing Python, some basic maths concepts and introducing myself to some of the concepts covered in the module.

While I do not start TM256 until next February, I will undoubtedly need to go over the networking elements of TM129 Technologies in Practice at some point before then.

Next year, I will not get a break over the summer but, on the plus side, there will only be four months where I am studying two modules at once.

So, best get ahead of the game with M269!

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  1. Yes TM256 exam had a dead hyperlink in one of the questions which really throws you off course as you wildly google and guess what the link went to. Angry students, form submitted, results due on 25/10/22

    1. Well, the problems have persisted with this presentation of TM256. Lots of errors on the TMAs unfortunately, though the third is an improvement. Hopefully the third TMA bodes well for the exam this year.

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